News & Events

22 02, 2005

VoiceXML Forum Launches 2005 Webinar Series

2022-06-01T21:04:03+00:00February 22, 2005|Press Release|

SAN FRANCISCO, SPEECHTEK WEST 2005, Feb. 22, 2005 — Today, at the SpeechTEK West 2005 Conference and Exposition, the VoiceXML Forum announced its second annual series of Virtual Brown Bag Webinars.  Each educational Webinar covers a topic of interest to developers, program managers and others working with VoiceXML.  Beginning in [...]

22 02, 2005

Intel, Loquendo, ScanSoft, Tellme and Verizon Join VoiceXML Forum Board of Directors

2020-09-21T15:20:39+00:00February 22, 2005|Press Release|

SAN FRANCISCO, SPEECHTEK WEST 2005, Feb. 22, 2005 — Today, at the SpeechTEK West 2005 Conference and Exposition, the VoiceXML Forum announced that it has expanded its Board of Directors. Representatives from Intel, Loquendo, ScanSoft, Tellme and Verizon will join existing Board members AT&T, HP, IBM, Lucent, Motorola, Nuance, Oracle, [...]

14 09, 2004

VoiceXML Forum Launches Platform Certification Program

2020-09-21T15:20:39+00:00September 14, 2004|Press Release|

NEW YORK, SPEECHTEK 2004, Sept. 14, 2004 — The VoiceXML Forum today announced the availability of the VoiceXML Platform Certification Program. The Program consists of a series of tests to determine whether a VoiceXML platform is fully compliant with the latest release of the VoiceXML standard. Companies wishing to have [...]

1 06, 2004

VoiceXML Forum Launches Developer Certification

2020-09-21T15:20:39+00:00June 1, 2004|Press Release|

PISCATAWAY, N.J., Jun. 1, 2004 — The VoiceXML Forum today announced the availability of the VoiceXML Developer Certification Exam.  The VoiceXML Developer Certification Exam will be administered by Thomson Prometric, the leading worldwide provider of comprehensive technology-based testing and assessment services.  Testing is now available through the Thomson Prometric global [...]

2 10, 2003

VoiceXML Forum Launches Platform Certification Program

2020-09-21T15:20:39+00:00October 2, 2003|Press Release|

NEW YORK, SPEECHTEK 2003, Oct. 2, 2003 — The VoiceXML Forum today announced the launch of the VoiceXML Platform Certification Program.  The Program consists of a series of tests to determine whether a VoiceXML platform is fully compliant with the latest release of the VoiceXML standard.  The VoiceXML Forum has [...]

24 09, 2003

VoiceXML Forum Adds New Leadership

2020-09-21T15:20:39+00:00September 24, 2003|Press Release|

PISCATAWAY, N.J., Sept. 24, 2003 — The VoiceXML Forum announced today that it has expanded the Board of Directors and elected new officers. Representatives from Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HPQ), Nuance (Nasdaq: NUAN), VoiceGenie Technologies, Inc. and West Corporation (Nasdaq: WSTC) will join AT&T (NYSE: T), IBM (NYSE: IBM), Lucent Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: [...]

24 06, 2003

VoiceXML Forum to Offer Developer Certification Program

2020-09-21T15:20:39+00:00June 24, 2003|Press Release|

PISCATAWAY, N.J., Jun. 24, 2003 —The VoiceXML Forum announced today it has engaged Prometric, a part of The Thomson Corporation to develop and deliver the Forum’s VoiceXML Developer Certification Program. VoiceXML Forum members will oversee the program, and the Forum plans to launch the test program publicly by October. The [...]

4 02, 2003

VoiceXML Forum Strongly Endorses W3C’s Release of VoiceXML 2.0 as a Candidate Recommendation

2020-09-21T15:20:39+00:00February 4, 2003|Press Release|

SAN DIEGO, TELEPHONY VOICE USER INTERFACE CONFERENCE, Feb. 4, 2003 — In conjunction with this week’s TMA Telephony Voice User Interface Conference (TVUI), the VoiceXML Forum proudly announces its strong support for the W3C’s release last week of VoiceXML 2.0 as a Candidate Recommendation. The Forum sees VoiceXML 2.0 as [...]

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