The VoiceXML Forum is a global industry organization that works to accelerate the adoption of VoiceXML and adjacent technologies. The VoiceXML Forum is comprised of three membership levels: Sponsors, Promoters and Supporters. For more information about membership, please visit the Join Us section of the website.

The VoiceXML Forum’s current members include:

Sponsor Members

Sponsor members set the strategy for the VoiceXML Forum. Sponsor members vote on all committee deliverables, including technical documents, charter new committee activities, and provide overall leadership to the organization.

Promoter Members

Promoter members take an active role in the organization. Promoter members participate in committees, sponsor new initiatives, and review committee deliverables.

Supporter Members

Supporter members are committed to VoiceXML and open standards and can promote their affiliation with the VoiceXML Forum.