PISCATAWAY, N.J., Oct. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today the VoiceXML Forum, a global industry trade organization chartered to promote and accelerate the adoption of VoiceXML-based applications, publicly announced the debut of the VoiceXML Grant Program.
The VoiceXML Forum will issue two separate $25,000 grants to an individual, or group of individuals affiliated with a not-for-profit institution for an initiative or alliance championing new technology or standards in the area of Voice Technology that continues to display the spirit of the VoiceXML Forum’s original mission.
“We are excited to be able to solicit grant proposals from active research individuals or teams for their groundbreaking work in voice technology and/or its standards. With the ability to fund two separate grants, we believe we will be able to help two programs move forward in their research endeavors,” said VoiceXML Forum Board Member Dr. Valentine Matula of Avaya.
The VoiceXML Grant Program is now open for proposal submissions, and will remain open through December 31, 2020. All interested parties can submit proposals for consideration here: www.voicexml.org/grant
“When the Forum started to promote VoiceXML, the voice adoption was in its infancy. Today, with the advent of the standards, it is widely used in our lives, and it will continue to evolve in the future,” said VoiceXML Forum Board Member Paolo Baggia of Nuance Communications, Inc.
In addition, Board Member Robert Marchand of Genesys noted that “The VoiceXML Forum is thrilled to continue to support the development of open standards related to voice technologies. The success of VoiceXML and related standards is largely due to efforts and contributions from the educational and research communities.”
About the VoiceXML Forum
Founded in 1999, the VoiceXML Forum is an industry organization whose mission is to promote and to accelerate the worldwide adoption of VoiceXML-based applications. The Forum serves as an educational and technical resource, a certification authority and a contributor and liaison to international standards bodies, such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) IETF, ANSI and ISO. The VoiceXML Forum is organized as a program of the IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO). Membership in the Forum is open to any interested company. For more information, please visit the Website at www.voicexml.org.