Volume 2, Issue 2 - Feb./March 2002

MW3C releases Voice Browser Call Control: CCXML Version 1.0

This document describes CCXML, or the Call Control eXtensible Markup Language. CCXML is designed to provide telephony call control support for VoiceXML or other dialog systems. CCXML has been designed to complement and integrate with a VoiceXML system. Because of this you will find many references to VoiceXML's capabilities and limitations. You will also find details on how VoiceXML and CCXML can be integrated. However it should be noted that the two languages are separate and are not required in an implementation of either language. For example CCXML could be integrated with a more traditional IVR system and VoiceXML could be integrated with some other call control system.

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W3C receives XHTML+Voice submission from IBM, Motorola and Opera Softwares

W3C recently announced receipt of the XHTML+Voice submission from IBM, Motorola and Opera Software. This submission describes a means to modularize VoiceXML 2.0 and outlines how these modules can be combined with XHTML for multimodal interaction, where users can interact with web pages using a combination of visual and aural interaction. The submission includes voice modules that support speech synthesis, speech dialogs, command and control, speech grammars, and the ability to attach Voice handlers for responding to specific DOM events, thereby re-using the event model familiar to web developers. Voice interaction features are integrated directly with XHTML and CSS, and can consequently be used directly within XHTML content.

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VoiceXML Forum Announces Support for W3C's Multimodal Interaction Activity

The VoiceXML Forum announced support for the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Multimodal Activity (http://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/) - a newly-formed working group which will look into standards and software to access web applications and services by voice, keyboard, key pad, mobile phones and devices. Members of the VoiceXML Forum, including AT&T, IBM, Lucent, Motorola, Nuance, and VoiceGenie will participate in W3C's efforts.

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