Volume 2, Issue 2 - Feb./March 2002

Dear Readers,

We decided to combine the February and March issues of VoiceXML Review - and for good reason. On February 21, 2002 the W3C published the Voice Browser Call Control: CCXML 1.0 Working Draft Specification. The W3C has published this draft in order to solicit input from the general public. If you build VoiceXML applications that have requirements beyond the simple telephony support afforded in VoiceXML 1.0, you should get familiar with this specification and share your suggestions on the Voice Browser Working Group's public email list.

This month we are fortunate to have feature articles contributed by two individuals who play important technical leadership roles within the VBWG's Call Control Subgroup.

Brad Porter, who chairs the Call Control Subgroup, provides us a summary (Call Control Work Progressing Quickly in the W3C) of the work that has been done in the past year in this area, and spells out how it will fit into future versions of VoiceXML.

In our second feature article, R.J. Auburn, editor of the CCXML 1.0 specification drills down in the technical details of how CCXML works - complete with numerous code examples. His article is titled Call Control and Voice Apps: CCXML. By the way, this stuff is real! RJ already has a beta implementation of a CCXML interpreter, ready for you to try out!

In our First Words column this month, Rob Marchand provides a handy "meta-list" of online VoiceXML resources around the globe. Bookmark this article, as it has great utility in finding where the VoiceXML community hangs out on the Web.

Still don't know the FIA from the CIA? Read this month's Speak and Listen column by Jeff Kunins, where he answers your questions on the VoiceXML form interpretation algorithm, and how you do N-Best recognition in VoiceXML.


Jonathan Engelsma
Editor-in-Chief, VoiceXML Review

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