Volume 2, Issue 3 - April/May 2002

Deborah Dahl

Deborah Dahl is a member of the W3C Voice Browser Working Group and serves as editor of the Natural Language Semantics Markup Language specification. Deborah also chairs the recently formed W3C Multimodal Working Group. Deborah is with Unisys Corporation.

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Brian Ty Graham

Brian is President and Chief Architect at Voice Web Services. Brian's role as Chief Architect is to lead the company's vision as the premier voice services tools provider. Brian brings extensive experience in the development of Voice Web technologies to Voice Web Services, and has served on the VoxML and VoiceXML forum since their inception. In 1999, Brian's research and development efforts led to the creation of Drive It! - the world's first application designed to deliver fully automated, speech driven, point-to-point Internet-based driving directions via the telephone.

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Rob Marchand

Rob Marchand is Director of Products and Services Development for VoiceGenie Technologies Inc. Rob has been with VoiceGenie Technologies since 1999, and has worked in advanced computing and telecommunications since 1985. At VoiceGenie, Rob is responsible for the VoiceGenie Developer Workshop (http://developer.voicegenie.com), and new products and services development. Rob is a member of the VoiceXML Education Committee, and of USENIX and SAGE, and a regular contributor to SANS. VoiceGenie is a Promoter Member of the VoiceXML Forum.

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Matt Oshry

Matt Oshry is a regular columnist for the Speak & Listen column in the VoiceXML Review. Matt is currently the Content Manager at Tellme Networks. Previously, Matt spent seven years at Microsoft writing technical documentation.

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