Application Server Logging Specification (ASLS)

VoiceXML Forum, Tools Working Group
Draft 1.5 - Internal Working Draft - 31 July 2007
For Public Review 20 August 2007


Bogdan Blaszczak, Intervoice

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. General Model
      1. Sessions
      2. Segments
      3. Actions and Decisions
        1. Concurrent Actions
      4. Data Elements
    2. Embedding ASLS within SLAML
    3. Extending ASLS Log Format
    4. ASLS Elements
      1. The Session Element: session
      2. The Segment Element: segment
      3. The Action Element: action
      4. The Decision Element: decision
      5. The Call Element: call
      6. The Input Element: input
      7. The Result Element: result
      8. The Param Element: param
      9. The Data Element: data
    5. Appendix A: Examples
    6. Appendix B: ASLS Schema
    7. Appendix C: ASLS MIME Type
    8. Appendix D: Open Issues
    9. Appendix E: Changes
    10. Appendix F: Acknowledgments
    11. Appendix G: References



This document defines a format for high-level logging on application servers. The log information conforming to the Application Server Logging Specification (ASLS) should be embedded in a Session Log Annotation Markup Language (SLAML) document.

The SLAML document aggregates logs from all the collaborating entities, including browsers and servers. The server-side logging should complement the browser logs and provide visibility to the actions and decisions involved in handling browser requests.  The server-side logging reflects the application logic flow rather than the run-time environment details. 

General Model

The Application Server Logging Specification (ASLS) is based on a high-level model of the application processing. The model assumes a web-like processing environment that consists of browsers and servers. This is congruent with the VoiceXML and CCXML environments. 

The abstractions used in ASLS are independent of any specific implementation of server-side applications. The abstractions capture information sufficient for application-level, business-oriented reporting or other, similar post-processing. ASLS is not a substitute for the run-time trace logs.


The server-side application is usually triggered by a request from a browser. The association between browser requests and an application instance is achieved through a session identifier that is attached to each browser request using one of the established web technologies (e.g. cookies).

The session tag encapsulates the log content produced by all the processing steps within the server-side session. The session identifier is captured as the tag attribute.

The session tag should also be used when browser requests are responded to by either a stateless application or by the platform web server that retrieves static files.  The session ID attribute can be omitted to indicate a session-less processing. In the case of static files, the log content can be produced by post-processing of the common web log. However, this may not add much value to an aggregated SLAML document.


The period of processing required to produce the response to a browser request is called a segment. The segment notation uses SLAML attributes prescribed for a period element. 

In some cases, the server-side processing may need to extend beyond a single query/response cycle. In ASLS, this is captured by means of additional segments that refer back to the segments that spawned them. The segments will usually proceed in parallel.

Segments contain request and response elements that describe the input and output of the segment. Segments may also contain action and decision elements that provide details of the segment processing.

Actions and Decisions

The ASLS uses actions and decisions as the general  abstractions for application processing within a segment.

In the SLAML terms, an action is a period and a decision is an event. The implied nesting rules are as followed:
  1. An action element may contain other action elements and data elements.
  2. A decision element may only contain data elements.
The reporting of actions and decisions is the result of application instrumentation. This may be done automatically by the server-side execution environment or it may be left for the application programmer to do explicitly.

The following two examples show how the ASLS abstractions can be mapped to a flow diagram and a state machine. 

Let's first consider the following application flow:

app flow

The execution proceeding through the above flow may log the following information:

The same application fragment may be represented as a state machine:

app states

In this case,  the log information may look as follows:


It is reasonable to expect that different implementation environments will have different concepts of what constitutes and action or a decision.  However, these two abstractions should be sufficient to capture the application-level logs in an implementation-independent way.

Concurrent Actions

The modern application environments usually support some type of parallel execution, e.g. multi-threading or parallel states.  This can be used not only to spawn a parallel segment of the application processing (as described previously), but it may also be used within a segment to let actions execute in parallel.

In ASLS, the parallel execution of actions is indicated by the "parallel" value of the SLAML mode attribute of the parent tag. The parent can be a segment or an actions. The parallel property applies to the immediate children.

Data Elements

The segment, action, and decision elements may contain data elements that capture input or output of the corresponding processing.  The SLAML view is that any element without a timing information is a data element.

Embedding ASLS within SLAML

ASLS log records will be embedded within the SLAML sl:log tag.

Extending ASLS Log Format

ASLS log records can be extended at the following points:
  1. Additional attributes (from a separate namespace) are allowed at all the ASLS tags.
  2. <data> tag can hold any content.

ASLS Elements

This section defines elements and attributes allowed in ASLS. The attributes or elements from the SLAML namespace are prefixed with sl:

The Session Element: session

Element session
Description This element is the top level container of the ASLS content. The sl:log element may contain multiple sessions. This  may be required for servers handling both CCXML and VoiceXML browsers. The sessions should always be considered parallel.
  • Required:
    • sl:start specifies the start time of the session.
    • sl:end specifies the end time of the session.
  • Optional:
    • sessionID specifies a session identifier, if available
    • name specifies a session name
    • sl:mode when set to "parallel", it indicates that the contained segments were executing in parallel
    • any attributes from a different namespace (this is an extension point)
Children Zero or one  input elements.
Zero or more  segment elements.
Zero or one  result elements.
Parent sl:log

For example,
<sl:log ... xmlns="" sl:version="1.0">
<session ... >

The Segment Element: segment

Element segment
Description Contains log information about the segment data and processing steps.
  • Required:
    • sl:handle-interaction specifies the interaction identifier provided by the entity that requested processing represented by the segment. .
    • sl:start specifies the start time of the segment.
    • sl:end specifies the end time of the segment
  • Optional:
    • name: segment name
    • sl:mode when set to "parallel", it indicates that the contained actions were executing in parallel.
    • sl:source provides an address of the entity that request processing represented by the segment.
    • any attributes from a different namespace (this is an extension point)
Children Zero or one  input elements.
Zero or more action or decision elements.
Zero or one result elements.
Parent session

The segment element contains all the data and processing logs produced while the server worked on a response. In the SLAML terms, the segment is an interaction handler.

During processing, a new segment may be started for internal reasons.  The same interaction identifier must be specified in the attributes of the corresponding call and segment elements to properly record the association.

For example,
<segment ... >
<input ... > ... </input>
<action ...> ... </action>
<decision ...> ... </decision>
<result ...> ... </result>

The Action Element: action

Element action
Description Contains log records of action data and any sub-actions or decisions. If the action element is a interaction handler, the optional SLAML attributes must be used.
  • Required:
    • name: action name
    • sl:start specifies the start time of the action.
    • sl:end specifies the end time of the action
  • Optional:
    • sl:handle-interaction specifies the interaction identifier provided by the entity that requested processing represented by the action. .
    • sl:source provides an address of the entity that request processing represented by the action.
    • any attributes from a different namespace (this is an extension point)
Children Zero or one  input elements.
Zero or more action or decision elements.
Zero or one result elements.
Parent segment or action 

The Decision Element: decision

Element decision
Description Contains log information about a processing decision.
  • Required:
    • name: action name
    • sl:time specifies the time of the decision.
  • Optional:
    • any attributes from a different namespace (this is an extension point)
Children Zero or one  input elements.
Zero or one result elements.
Parent segment or action 

The Call Element: call

Element call
Description It is a SLAML period  element that represents the sending of the request and the receipt of the associated response. It may also contain any related, caller-side processing done in the interim.
  • Required:
    • name call name
    • sl:start specifies the start time of the call.
    • sl:end specifies the end time of the call
    • sl:interaction specifies the interaction identifier
    • sl:log-tag a log tag value that enables log record association
    • sl:class a type of entity to be call target
  • Optional:
    • sl:target an address of the target, if applicable
    • any attributes from a different namespace (this is an extension point)
Children Zero or one  input elements.
Zero or one  param elements.
Zero or more action or decision elements.
Zero or one result elements.
Parent segment or action

The Input Element: input

Element input
Description Contains a list of input data of the parent element.
  • Optional:
    • name: element name
    • any attributes from a different namespace (this is an extension point)
Children Zero or more data elements.
Parent segment, action, decision ,or call

The Result Element: result

Element result
Description Contains a list data results that the parent element produced or concluded.
  • Optional:
    • name: element name
    • any attributes from a different namespace (this is an extension point)
Children Zero or more data elements.
Parent segment, action, decision ,or call

The Param Element: param

Element param
Description Contains a list of parameter data passed by the parent element to the target.
  • Optional:
    • name: element name
    • any attributes from a different namespace (this is an extension point)
Children Zero or more data elements.
Parent call

The Data Element: data

Element data
Description Defines a named data element of the parent.
  • Required:
    • name: data name
  • Optional:
    • type: specifies the data type. String is the default type. Other types are Number, URI, mime type.
    • any attributes from a different namespace (this is an extension point)
Children Any content that represent data value (xsd anyType child)
Parent input, result, or param

Appendix A: Examples

The first example shows a log of simple, sequential processing. Please notice a VoiceXML snippet contained in the <result> of the <segment>. This is an example of extending the log content with elements of other namespaces.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sl:slaml xmlns:sl="" version="1.0"
<sl:session name="AS1-abcd" origin="1234" sl:class="ApplicationServer" sl:log-tag="as-log-1"/>
<sl:log tag="as-log-1" sl:class="ApplicationServer" entity="AS-1"
<!-- ASLS content -->
<as:session as:sessionID="a1234" sl:start="1" sl:end="40">
<as:segment sl:handle-interaction="1234" sl:start="2" sl:end="100">
<as:data as:name="URI" as:type="URI"> </as:data>
<as:data as:name="userAgent"> VoiceXML/2.1 (VB 3.5; Linux) </as:data>
<!-- 'single-threaded' processing -->
<as:action as:name="CheckCredentials " sl:handle-interaction="" sl:start="3" sl:end="20"/>
<as:decision as:name="ValidUser" sl:time="21">
<as:data as:name="authorization">invalid</as:data>
<as:action as:name="TransferToAgent" sl:handle-interaction="" sl:start="22" sl:end="35">
<as:data as:name="agentSkills">newAccounts</as:data>
<as:data as:name="response" as:type="application/voicexml+xml">
<vxml xmlns="" version="2.1">
<block>Please wait while we transfer you to the agent</block>

The following log illustrates a processing flow of an auction server. A new (and only) bid triggers a segment that defers the bid placement to a parallel segment that maintains the auction state. All the processing is handled within the same entity.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sl:slaml xmlns:sl="" version="1.0"
<sl:session name="AS2-abcd" origin="vb1-1234" sl:class="AuctionServer" sl:log-tag="as-log-2"/>
<sl:log tag="as-log-2" sl:class="AuctionServer" entity="AS-2"
<!-- a bid placement -->
<as:session as:sessionID="as-b1" sl:start="90" sl:end="99">
<as:segment sl:handle-interaction="vb1-1234" sl:start="90" sl:end="99">
<as:data as:name="URI" as:type="URI">"</as:data>
<as:data as:name="userAgent"> VoiceXML/2.1 (VB 3.5; Linux) </as:data>
<as:call as:name="NewBid" sl:interaction="bid-1" sl:log-tag="as-log-2"
sl:class="AuctionServer" sl:start="91" sl:end="98">
<as:data as:name="auctionID" as:type="Number"> 777 </as:data>
<as:data as:name="bid" as:type="Number"> 333 </as:data>
<as:data as:name="receipt"> 777-1</as:data>
<as:data as:name="response" type="application/voicexml+xml">
<vx:vxml xmlns:vx="" vx:version="2.1">
<vx:block>Bid accepted. Confirmation 777-1</vx:block>
<!-- an auction session -->
<as:session as:sessionID="as-a1" sl:start="1" sl:end="110" sl:mode="parallel">
<as:segment as:name="NewBid" sl:handle-interaction="bid-1" sl:start="92" sl:end="97">
<as:data as:name="auctionID" as:type="Number"> 777 </as:data>
<as:data as:name="bid" as:type="Number"> 333 </as:data>
<as:decision as:name="DisplayReservePrice" sl:time="93"/>
<as:decision as:name="AddOvertime" sl:time="94"/>
<as:data as:name="confirmationID">777-1</as:data>
<as:segment sl:handle-interaction="admin-1" as:name="Auction" sl:start="1" sl:end="110">
<as:action as:name="InitializeAuction" sl:handle-interaction="" sl:start="1" sl:end="2">
<as:data as:name="ReservePrice" as:type="Number">300</as:data>
<as:data as:name="Duration" as:type="Number">100</as:data>
<as:data as:name="auctionID">777</as:data>
<as:action as:name="FinalizeAuction" sl:handle-interaction="" sl:start="108" sl:end="109">
<as:data as:name="winner">777-1</as:data>

The next example shows a variation of the previous auction processing flow where the system consists of of two servers. The first one is a server that provides the auction bid UI and the second one is an auction hub that arbitrates bids.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sl:slaml xmlns:sl="" version="1.0"
<sl:session name="AS2-abcd" origin="vb1-1234" sl:class="AuctionServer" sl:log-tag="as-log-2"/>
<sl:session name="AS3-abcd" origin="auction-5678" sl:class="AuctionHub" sl:log-tag="as-log-3"/>
<sl:log tag="as-log-2" sl:class="AuctionServer" entity="AS-2"
<!-- a bid placement -->
<as:session as:sessionID="as-b1" sl:start="90" sl:end="99">
<as:segment sl:handle-interaction="vb1-1234" sl:start="90" sl:end="99">
<as:data as:name="URI" type="URI">"</as:data>
<as:data as:name="userAgent"> VoiceXML/2.1 (VB 3.5; Linux) </as:data>
<as:call as:name="NewBid" sl:interaction="bid-1" sl:class="AuctionServer"
sl:log-tag="as-log-3" sl:start="91" sl:end="98">
<as:data as:name="auctionID" as:type="Number"> 777 </as:data>
<as:data as:name="bid" as:type="Number"> 333 </as:data>
<as:data as:name="receipt"> 777-1</as:data>
<as:data as:name="response" as:type="application/voicexml+xml">
<vx:vxml xmlns:vx="" vx:version="2.1">
<vx:block>Bid accepted. Confirmation 777-1</vx:block>
<sl:log tag="as-log-3" sl:class="AuctionHub" entity="AS-3" xmlns:as="">
<!-- an auction hub session -->
<as:session as:sessionID="as-a1" sl:start="1" sl:end="110" sl:mode="parallel">
<as:segment as:name="NewBid" sl:handle-interaction="bid-1" sl:start="92" sl:end="97">
<as:data as:name="auctionID" as:type="Number"> 777 </as:data>
<as:data as:name="bid" as:type="Number"> 333 </as:data>
<as:decision as:name="DisplayReservePrice" sl:time="93"/>
<as:decision as:name="AddOvertime" sl:time="94"/>
<as:data as:name="confirmationID">777-1</as:data>
<as:segment sl:handle-interaction="admin-1" as:name="Auction" sl:start="1" sl:end="110">
<as:action as:name="InitializeAuction" sl:handle-interaction="auction-5678" sl:start="1" sl:end="2">
<as:data as:name="ReservePrice" as:type="Number">300</as:data>
<as:data as:name="Duration" as:type="Number">100</as:data>
<as:data as:name="auctionID">777</as:data>
<as:action as:name="FinalizeAuction" sl:handle-interaction="" sl:start="108" sl:end="109">
<as:data as:name="winner">777-1</as:data>

Appendix B: ASLS Schema

Below is the ASLS schema definition. Please notice the slaml-base.xsd is imported to provide the standard SLAML attributes.
This is still a preliminary schema that requires further refinement.
However, the examples in this document have been validated against it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0">
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="slaml-base.xsd"/>
<xs:element name="session">
<xs:element ref="as:input" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="as:segment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element ref="as:result" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:periodGroup"/>
<xs:attribute ref="as:sessionID" use="optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:anyAttribute"/>
<xs:element name="segment">
<xs:element ref="as:input" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:group ref="as:activityLog"/>
<xs:element ref="as:result" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:periodGroup"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="sl:interaction-handler"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:anyAttribute"/>
<xs:element name="action">
<xs:element ref="as:input" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:group ref="as:activityLog"/>
<xs:element ref="as:result" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:periodGroup"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="sl:interaction-handler"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:anyAttribute"/>
<xs:element name="decision">
<xs:element ref="as:input" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="as:result" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:eventGroup"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:anyAttribute"/>
<xs:element name="call">
<xs:element ref="as:input" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="as:param" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:group ref="as:activityLog"/>
<xs:element ref="as:result" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:periodGroup"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="sl:interaction"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:anyAttribute"/>
<xs:element name="input">
<xs:group ref="as:dataList"/>
<xs:attribute ref="as:name" use="optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:anyAttribute"/>
<xs:element name="result">
<xs:group ref="as:dataList"/>
<xs:attribute ref="as:name" use="optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:anyAttribute"/>
<xs:element name="param">
<xs:group ref="as:dataList"/>
<xs:attribute ref="as:name" use="optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="as:anyAttribute"/>
<xs:element name="data">
<xs:extension base="xs:anyType">
<xs:attribute ref="as:name" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute ref="as:type" use="optional"/>
<xs:group name="dataList">
<xs:element ref="as:data" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:group name="activityLog">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="as:action"/>
<xs:element ref="as:call"/>
<xs:element ref="as:decision"/>
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="sessionID" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:attributeGroup name="periodGroup">
<xs:attribute ref="as:name" use="optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="sl:period"/>
<xs:attributeGroup name="eventGroup">
<xs:attribute ref="as:name" use="optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="sl:event"/>
<xs:attributeGroup name="anyAttribute">
<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other"/>


Appendix C: ASLS MIME Type

Appendix D: Open Issues

The following issues remain open:

Appendix E: Changes

Draft 1.5:
Draft 1.4:
Draft 1.3:
Draft 1.2:
Draft 1.1:

Appendix F: Acknowledgments

Appendix G: References


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The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO)
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