Volume 1, Issue 8 - August/September 2001

VoiceXML Forum Conformance Committee Announces Plans for Certification Program

The VoiceML Forum is building a conformance testing and branding program for VoiceXML. The goal of this program is to develop quantifiable testing methods and procedures for VoiceXML to ensure interoperability between platforms, tools, and applications from all vendors, and clear identification of compliance to the specification.

Visit the VoiceXML Forum Conformance Program page

View the VoiceXML Forum's "compliance" trademark statement

Browse the Conformance Program's set of VoiceXML sample documents

Download the VoiceXML Forum Conformance Activities Overview (PDF)

VoiceXML Forum: The Source for VoiceXML Information

Whether you're a VoiceXML expert, or just learning the technology, be sure to use the VoiceXML Forum's website (www.voicexml.org) as your source for VoiceXML information. Supported by over 500 member companies, the VoiceXML Fourm's site is loaded with information on VoiceXML. If you're just learning about VoiceXML, be sure to visit the Forum's VoiceXML Tutorials. If you have questions on VoiceXML or the VoiceXML Forum, check out the Forum's FAQ's page. And to see an up-to-date listing of the member companies of the VoiceXML Forum, be sure to glance at the Meet the Members section.

VoiceXML Review Seeks Authors for Future Issues

Halfway through its first year of publication, the editorial board of VoiceXML Review is seeking authors for future issues of the e-zine. If you feel you have something to share with the VoiceXML community, and would like to be published in the leading source of information about VoiceXML, be sure to consult the editorial schedule and the rules for submission.
Go to the Call for Papers

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Copyright © 2001 VoiceXML Forum. All rights reserved.
The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO).