Dialog: Activities of the VoiceXML Forum and W3C
from Part 1)
the W3C VBWG was progressing its work on the various
languages that would be expected to, over time, move
through the W3C processes to become W3C Recommendations.
It is important to note here that neither the W3C or
the VoiceXML Forum are "standards bodies", thus they
do not produce "standards," as this term is reserved
for organizations such as the ITU,
and similar national and international standards organizations.
Nonetheless people often refer to recommendations or
specifications produced by consortium such as the W3C
and VoiceXML as "standards" as it is a convenient word
to describe the work products.
Finally, the VoiceXML Forum and W3C felt it would be
mutually beneficial to have a working relationship with
regard to VoiceXML activities. Consequently, in September
2000, the two organizations and their constituents began
formal negotiations on a memorandum of understanding
that would define the ways in which collaboration would
take place. We're hoping to have this memorandum approved
in January 2001.
this time, the language work takes place within the
chaired by Jim Larson of Intel Corp., and in its various
subgroups. The specific work developing what is expected
to become VoiceXML 2.0 is taking place in the Dialog
Language Sub-Working Group chaired by Scott McGlashan
of PipeBeach. The development of other markup languages
(e.g., for speech grammars and speech synthesis) is
handled in other subgroups. The work takes place through
email, teleconferences and in face-to-face meetings
that occur every couple of months.
The VoiceXML Forum has activities in marketing (chaired
by Carl Clouse, Motorola), conformance (chaired by the
author), and education (where the author is acting chair).
Participation in these committees is limited to VoiceXML
Promoter and Sponsor members. If you would like to get
involved, please contact the VoiceXML Forum office (
For the full range of VoiceXML Forum activities, please
check out the Web site at
As you can see, VoiceXML is heating up, and with the
wide range of industrial support behind the VoiceXML
Forum and the W3C VBWG, the best intellectual and corporate
resources are collaborating to make VoiceXML a driving
force in the telephony and speech application world.

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The VoiceXML Forum is a program of the
Industry Standards and Technology Organization