Volume 5, Issue 1 - January / February 2005

Follow-up on the VoiceXML Forum’s Training Survey: Four Key Focus Areas

By Jim Larson and Jonathan Engelsma

The VoiceXML forum’s Board of Directors has tasked the VoiceXML Forum’s Education committee to identify the Forum’s role in the area of VoiceXML-related training. To help better understand the membership’s perspective on this, the committee hosted an online survey in December 2004. Responders to the survey were divided into two different groups: training consumers and training providers.

While the number of responders was small, the responses did tend to confirm our intuition regarding the current state of VoiceXML training and the Forum’s role in this area moving forward. After reviewing the results, we identified four key areas that the Forum should focus on moving forward. The remainder of this article provides a brief summary of our findings and outlines four activities the Education Committee will undertake in the next twelve months.

1. Evaluate the Effectiveness of Existing VoiceXML Training

The majority of responders believe that the training they received was marginally useful (See Figure 1.) The majority of responders believed that a program is needed that would assure developers that VoiceXML training has been judged to meet some level of effectiveness. (See Figure 2). Based on these results, the Education committee will investigate a program that will evaluate the effectiveness of currently available VoiceXML training, and provide that information to both trainers and students.

Usefulness of Received Training to-Date
Figure 1 Perceived Usefulness of Existing VoiceXML Training.


Forum Accredited Training Valuable?
Figure 2 Would Forum accredited training be valuable?


2. Prepare for the VoiceXML Developer Certification Exam

The majority of responders believe that very little VoiceXML training was available (See Figure 3.). Preparation for the VoiceXML Forum Certification Test had the greatest score of all areas listed for training needs. (See Figure 4.). Based on these results, the Education committee will investigate programs to make preparation for the VoiceXML Forum Certification available to Forum members.

Availability of VoiceXML Training
Figure 3 Availability of VoiceXML training.


Most needed topical areas for training.
Figure 4 Training areas of interest.


3. Provide High Quality Webinars and Self-Paced Training

While there are several instructor led courses available (See Figure 5), it appears there is a need for online Webinars and CDROM/online self-paced learning (See Figure 6). Based on these results the Education committee will investigate programs to provide Webinars and self-paced learning.

Format of Training Received
Figure 5 Who provides VoiceXML training today?


Training Format - Perceived Usefulness
Figure 6 Perceived usefulness of various training formats.


4. Integrate VoiceXML in Academia

The technical skills students learn in college are often put to good use once they enter the workforce. We should more proactively encourage universities and colleges to include VoiceXML training in their curricula. We noted that none of the responders received their training from colleges or universities. (See Figure 7). The Education committee will investigate programs to more proactively integrate VoiceXML technology and training into the curricula of universities and colleges, and encourage students learn the science and art of speech applications and apply their creativity to develop innovative speech applications.

Who Provided the Training?
Figure 7 Who provides VoiceXML training today?

Thanks to all the responders who took time to answer the survey questions. We appreciate the insight your answers have provided us.

We encourage your participation in this ongoing process! We solicit your suggestions for proceeding in any or all of the above areas. You can contact the committee and learn more about it on the VoiceXML Forum’s website: http://www.voicexml.org/resources/education.html.

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